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How to Clean Your Dryer’s Lint Trap

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As a mom of two boys who like to play outside, I do a lot of laundry. And every time I empty the lint trap, I wonder where all that stuff comes from. Between cotton t-shirts, fluffy towels, and their favorite sweatshirts, my dryer puts in a lot of work keeping up with our family, and its lint trap collects bits of fiber from everything we wash. I recently learned that an occasional deep clean of your dryer lint trap can actually increase the efficiency of your dryer. It creates better airflow, which means your clothes dry faster and you're saving energy! Keep reading as I share how to deep clean your dryer’s lint trap: 

Clear off the Dryer Lint Trap Filter

Over time, fabric softeners and clothes residue can clog the small holes in your lint screen, making your dryer work harder than necessary. Here’s how to clean your dryer lint trap filter:

  1. Remove the lint screen and clear off visible lint.
  2. Mix half a HeySunday Laundry Sheet in warm water and let dissolve for 5 minutes.
  3. Submerge the lint screen in the solution for 10 minutes.
  4. Scrub with an old toothbrush to remove residue and buildup.
  5. Rinse thoroughly with cool water and air dry.

Did you know? Dryer lint is compostable! If you have a compost bin, throw it in there.

Deep Clean Your Dryer Link Trap

After cleaning the screen, it's important to clean the vent housing (the cavity where your lint screen sits). Use a vacuum attachment or dryer vent brush to reach deep into the housing and remove any trapped lint. For hard-to-reach spots, a flashlight can help you spot lingering debris.


Regular lint trap maintenance takes just minutes but makes a big difference in your dryer's performance and safety. While clearing lint after every load is ideal, don't stress if you occasionally forget. Deep cleaning your lint screen and vent housing every few months keeps your dryer running efficiently and can help prevent fire hazards. Set a monthly reminder – your dryer (and energy bill) will thank you!

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