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How to Wash Your Down Sleeping Bag: A Step-by-Step Guide

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My family does a lot of camping during the warm summer months, which means I spend a lot of time cleaning all of our camping gear. One camping trip last year my son got poison ivy on his leg, and it spread all over his sleeping bag! I no longer take any chances of letting debris get on the most important item used while camping. Now, I wash our sleeping bags after every trip. Here are some of my tips for washing your sleeping bags. 

1. Check the Care Label

Before washing, always look at the care instructions on the label. Most down sleeping bags recommended you wash on gentle cycle with warm water, and use extremely mild detergent. I only use 2 HeySunday sheets per 3 sleeping bags. I’ve found that HeySunday is extremely gentle on delicate materials like down feathers and synthetic fabrics.

2. Prepare the Sleeping Bag

 Close all zippers and fasten any Velcro straps to prevent snagging during the wash.

3. Wash the Sleeping Bag

Put your sleeping bags in the washing machine and set it at a gentle spin with warm water. I never put more than 3 sleeping bags in the washer at once.

Important note– if you suspect a sleeping bag could be contaminated (with poison ivy for example) be sure to wash that bag by itself. 

4. Dry the Sleeping Bag

I prefer to air dry my sleeping bags as it ensures every crevasse is dried and it preserves the material better. If you have to use a dryer, use a tennis ball or dryer ball to keep the bag from clumping. Dry the bags on low heat, and check them every 20 or so minutes to make sure they are drying evenly.

5. Store Properly

I keep the sleeping bags out in the open for at least a day after washing to make sure they are completely dry. I store them in a big plastic bin so the material isn’t compressed in a tiny stuff sack for long periods of time. Make sure you store the bags in a dark and cool place.


Washing your sleeping bags at least a couple times a year is vital, as I wouldn’t wish my sons poison ivy experience on anyone! Purchasing a sleeping bag liner can also be very helpful if you use them often. Happy camping!

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