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HeySunday™ laundry detergent sheets are:

HeySunday™ laundry detergent sheets are:

Tough on Stains

Mess Free

Easy to Use

Plastic Jug Free

Why our customers love us

Based on 200+ Reviews

The Ocean Breeze sheets are now my husband and I's go to detergent. :).

I much prefer them over liquid detergent because they are easy to store, clean to use and I love that you can rip the sheets if you want to change the amount you are using.

My clothes smell good, even Stinky Teenage Boy Clothes. I am so happy not to have plastic jugs of detergent any more!

I'm impressed so far with the cleaning power, as well as the convenience. Of course limited packaging waste is a big win, too!

Love how fresh and clean my laundry is!!!!!

I have 5 kids with lots of stains and I have been able to use the sheets to pre soak laundry with blood, gum, and food stains and everything came out perfectly with a little scrub.

Easy to use.

Our sheets instantly dissolve in hot or cold water, making them safe for both darks and whites.

Simply place them directly into your machine and you're ready to go!

Tough on stains.

Designed to combat tough stains with none of the toxic chemicals found in traditional detergents.

Our laundry sheets will leave your clothing feeling clean and fresh every time.


Packaged in plastic free, biodegradable, and compostable materials for a more sustainable clean.

Try our subscription risk free

Guarantee the best price, and if you don't absolutely love your detergent sheets, simply email us and we will refund you.

Try our subscription risk free

Guarantee the best price, and if you don't absolutely love your detergent sheets, simply email us and we will refund you.

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HeySunday’s Annual Eco-Warrior Scholarship

Scholarship Award: $1000

About the Eco-Warrior Scholarship

The Eco-Warrior Scholarship is a recurring scholarship open to all students who seek to live an eco-friendly lifestyle. The next deadline to apply is December 1, and winners will be announced on December 31. At HeySunday™, we encourage small actions with large impacts through our Eco-Warrior Scholarship.

This $1,000 award supports a student committed to combatting climate change, either by daily eco-friendly choices or by pursuing environmental activism. We believe in the individual's power to effect change and aim to inspire others by recognizing students engaged in sustainability, honoring their work towards a greener future.

Scholarship Details

Amount: $1,000

Application deadline: December 1

Winner Announcement Date: December 31

Recurring: Annually

Eligibility Requirements

To qualify for this scholarship, please review the following eligibility criteria carefully. Ensure you meet these requirements prior to submitting your application.

  • Believes living a more sustainable lifestyle is important.
  • A high school senior, undergraduate student, or graduate student.
  • Applicant must be a current U.S. citizen or permanent legal resident.

How to Apply

You can apply for this scholarship on the scholarship platform. Simply set up a free account and submit your application for the Eco-Warrior Scholarship, along with a short essay answering the following prompts:

  • 1 What intentional choices do you make to live sustainably in your daily life?
  • 2 Why do you think it’s important to reduce your carbon footprint?

Scholarship FAQs

When is the scholarship deadline?

The application will be open through December 1.

What is the scholarship prize?

The scholarship award is $1,000.

When will the winner be chosen and notified?

Prior to the announcement date, we may contact finalists with additional questions about their application. Recipients will be chosen based on the merit of their application.

How will the scholarship be paid?

The prize check will be sent to the scholarship winner’s college institution in their name and in the name of their institution (depending on the school’s requirements).

Is this a recurring scholarship?

Yes, the Eco-Warrior Scholarship is an annual scholarship.

How will my scholarship application be verified?

Before we award the scholarship, the winner will be required to verify their academic enrollment status by providing a copy of their most recent transcript.

How can I get in touch with questions?

If you have any questions about this scholarship, email, and we will get back to you as quickly as we can.

How will my application information be used?

HeySunday™ manages this scholarship with the support of the scholarship platform. takes student confidentiality and privacy incredibly seriously. Please refer to the application page on for full details.

apply here

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